Monday, September 14, 2009

Gender Norm Activity

*Names used in the following post have been altered very slightly in sake of privacy.

Since the assignment was "gender norm" as opposed to "self norm", the task was pretty easy. I'm the biggest lady dude you'll ever meet. I could walk around in a little dress, heels, and make up, while spitting and burping in public. I have no shame in releasing whatever I have to, to maintain homeostasis haha.

So for the most part, I'm usually hanging out with guys and for class, I experimented on a fairly new group of friends. I always pop a squat whenever the circumstances need me to, but this group hasn't seen it yet. The first time I did it, we were all walking to my soccer mom minivan and I yelled, "Is there anyone around? No? Good. Look out for me." They were all confused and walking towards me. At this point, I already had my pants and undies down, watering the grass. Once they reached me, I was done and they had dumbfounded looks on their faces. One of them, Mikael, said "Did you just pee here? Ew, I'm more ladylike than you." I just giggled.

The second incident was another night, when I took one of them home to Brooklyn and bought Philly Cheese Steaks. Once we reached the neighborhood, I ran in between two cars, pulled Alex and Jack together to block the view from traffic. "Stay there! Wrap your arms around each other! Don't move!" I yelled. Once again, they were confused, and I assumed the position and let it rip. Haha, this time, I splattered and they got my urine on them. I wasn't done, so they had to stay there and they were shrieking like little girls. Eric, who was a good 10 feet away from me walked back and asked, "Did you just pee?" "Yup" "Damn girl I heard that shit from the corner, I thought it was a hose." "Hey, when you gotta go, you gotta go." "Good job."

This assignment was fun because I took something I always do, and for the first time, actually analyzed the reactions of those around me. When me and my close girlfriends gotta go together, it's nothing new. We "do as boys do" like compete with duration and quantity, we try to write our names and stuff like that.

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