Saturday, September 12, 2009

"Feminism Is for everybody"

Despite the general muttering of the class how the book is so very repetitive, I personally found it rather revolutionary. It is kind of like Marx’s The Communist Manifesto. Only that instead of “Workers of the world, Unite!” it is more like “Women of all races, classes, religions and sexuality unite into a one strong sisterhood!”
When I was reading this Hooks’ sentence:
We all knew firsthand that we had been socialized as females by patriarchal thinking to see ourselves as inferior to men, to see ourselves as always and only in competition with one another for patriarchal approval, to look upon each other with jealousy, fear, and hatred.
I became aware that this type of stingy sentiments and behaviors are the lot of the dominated. I was reminded how my grandmother and mother pitied the comportment of their compatriots, who were busy harming and jealousing their neighbors’ success. They would only compete against each other, instead of the foreigners that were in reality exploiting them. Only now I understand that these people were socialized in such way, so that their collective spirit was completely destroyed. This is a sad thing to become aware of, but there are multiple levels of insecurities and deep ingrained misguided beliefs that occurred through wrongful socialization, and which keep on getting more pilled up with each additional matrix of domination. We truly need to change the whole system our society is based on. Maybe the thing to start the change with is something we give immense importance to, money and capitalism. Without wanting to sound socialist or anything, I feel that in this society we don’t have time to be kind or caring, because we are busy making money to survive or just to collect as much as wee can. We just don’t have time to stop and look around; we are constantly in a race against one-an-other.
This book is good not only for the feminist cause, but also to eliminate colonialist spirit of exploitation, racism and social injustice, and it calls people to lead lives of more mutual care and understanding. I really liked it. Michelle

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