Monday, November 23, 2009

The Real Housewives of Orange County - Janaine Jaikaran

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The Real Housewives of Orange County is the first of a series of shows that air on Bravo TV. that show the lives of “rich” women living in some exclusive areas around the country. The show captures these women’s daily lives and the drama within their group of friends. The name for the show is so fitting for these women because are all so far away from being an ideal housewife but in today’s world as long as a women doesn’t have a job then she is considered to be a housewife. Many of these women don’t work for a living but live off of their husband’s money. Their lives are filled with shopping, tanning, drama within the cast and of course charity work here and there to show that they are giving. In this week’s episode a new housewife was introduced her name is Alexis she is wife of a wealthy entrepreneur she has two year old twins and a three year old son as a new cast member I would say she is sort of a housewife even though she has two nannies to take care of the three children and has one nanny accompany her everywhere she travels with the children. In her first episode she empathized her daily workout routine with lunch dates with her husband which makes me think when does she really have time to spend with her family? Alexis comes in to fill the space of Jeana who is departing the show five seasons due to her sickness of all the drama and would like to focus on her three children who are all over the age of 18. As a viewer my conclusion as to why she was leaving was because of her messy divorce on national television mixed in with her financial mess. Jeana is one of two housewives working as a real estate agent but since the market’s decline she is having some difficulty keeping up her old lifestyle. It was revealed before the season began she asked another cast member Vicki who is supposedly her good friend/ neighbor and financially successful to borrow some money but Vicki said no which only made the situation between then an uncomfortable one and ruined whatever relationship they had with one another. Vicki is the other housewife that works at a successful insurance company she has been married once before and has been married to her current husband since her two children were very young both children are now college graduates. Vicki seems to be the only housewife that is financially independent from her husband and is the bread winner of her family. Instead of her husband spoiling her with presents she buys these lavish gifts for herself to commend herself for her hard work. She is very much into spending time with her family now that she is successful in her work but she wants to do this at a time when her children are grown and don’t seem to want to be around their mother. Replacing Jeana this season as Vicki’s best friend is Tamra who has two young daughters and son that is 21+ in age. Tamra will find any reason to stir up the drama on the show at anyone’s expense. In my opinion is the most jealous housewife and dislikes any woman that she feels is prettier than she is. Last season when Gretchen who is a young woman that was engaged with an older wealthier man who was struggling with leukemia, Tamra decided that the relationship was fake and went at any extent to prove that it wasn’t real and that Gretchen was using this man in the end he died and there wasn’t anything to prove. The final character on the show is Lynne who is a mother of two rebellious teenagers and wife to a real estate investor. Last season she was portrayed as the ditsy one that had no clue on what’s going on and I think this season she would like to show everyone that she has a brain and can do things for herself. She introduced her jewelry and swimsuit line and with the real estate market down she will be seen as the bread winner in her family. While these women don’t appear to be your typical housewife they do their best to uphold that role in their world. They fit many of the stereotypes that go along with being a wealthy female in there which is just to live this care free life and your husband will take care of the rest. This season many of them will face reality and see that they need to step it up with today’s economy. They will be faced with the burden of losing their properties along with all the other problems that financial decline leaves you with.

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