Saturday, October 17, 2009

Found disturbing, so had to mention

I was slightly disgusted by what was happening to Filippa Hamilton, a former fashion model for Ralph Lauren. I say former because she was fired for becoming too "fat". I think she is like 5'10" and weighs 120 pounds, which in a normal mind is an almost too low of a weight. Ralph Lauren is, of course, of a totally different opinion in what concerns knowledge about a woman's weight. They, for some reason, decided to use her image for an advertisement again, after firing her, but due to their distorted view of weight they airbrushed her image turning a healthy-looking woman into a completely emaciated, abnormally thin person. That, just looks ridiculous! What are they trying to accomplish? Have they as a design group, been putting such unreachable thinness standards to their models? I wonder? What is their idea behind such behavior? That's of course if they even actually have one (idea), but maybe it is just bad taste. Michelle

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